German Shepherd Show Dogs

Why We Show Our Dogs

Kingdom Shepherds actively participates in AKC dog show confirmation. While we show to have fun and proudly present our beautiful Kingdom progeny, our primary purpose for showing is to have our dogs evaluated as we work to maintain the integrity of the German Shepherd breed.

Achieving AKC championship titles means our dogs have been determined to be quality specimens of the breed according to the AKC standard. This standard includes appearance, structure and temperament proving that our dogs are desirable to produce the traits of the German Shepherd dog. As a result, dog showing is a must and will be what continues to drive the direction of Kingdom’s breeding program.

Kingdom Shepherds maintains a high standard for the manner in which our dogs are represented to the dog fancy. We recognize it to be an honor and blessing to have the quality dogs we own and get to share. We are so proud to have the highly respected and talented Lenny Brown as the primary professional handler for Kingdom Shepherds. The level of care Lenny provides to his clients and always doing what is best for the dog is why he will always be our go to in the dog show arena. Lenny has been a big supporter to Heather growing as an amateur handler and has shown by example the way a German Shepherd is to be presented. What a huge blessing!

About Our Show Dogs

We are beyond blessed with the many show quality puppies and dogs God has graced Kingdom Shepherds, but they are first and foremost our family. Their success in the showring just makes us continue to realize the honor and privilege it is to contribute to this amazing breed. It is not taken lightly and is acknowledged with full responsibility and accountability.

It is also important to mention some dogs love to show and some dogs don’t. If a dog does not enjoy the showring, that is ok! What is important is to determine what the dog does enjoy, and to work with the dog toward achieving its highest success doing that preferred activity. Show conformation is just one AKC governed avenue a German Shepherd can travel. This is what makes this breed so amazing. The sport of Agility, Coursing, Herding, Obedience just to name a few other options, are all arenas this breed can also excel. The sky is the limit!

Living their Best Life at Home and in the Ring

Kingdom Shepherds Show Training

Once a potential show puppy is matured, has been evaluated by Kingdom Shepherds and our highly respected tenured professionals in the GSD breed, we are able to introduce them to the conformation show ring right at Kingdom's Ranch. Our 50 x 70 all enclosed practice show ring allows us to work with the puppy/dog in their own environment.

As we practice working at home we are able to watch their natural show ability develop and prepare the puppy for the dynamics of the conformation ring. When it is time to transition to the actual AKC conformation show ring environment, we find it is just a bit easier and less stressful for the dog.