What an amazing weekend!
The German Shepherd Dog Club of North Georgia and German Shepherd Dog Club of Atlanta hosted the FCAT and CAT sport performance venue at Etowah River Park in Canton. Thank you Speed Dog Coursing for coordinating our event. The beautiful dogs and people did not allow the rain or cool weather to hold us back!
Kingdom Shepherds is so proud to share our RFD AFV CH Kingdom’s Lead Me to the Cross CAA DCAT OFA H/E aka Cross earned his FCAT today and earned another 6 coursing runs toward his CAX. This boy shines in everything he does. Way to go Cross!
Also our beautiful Kingdom’s Holy Trinity CA FCAT2 TC OFA H/E earned her FCAT3 today!!!! So proud of this girl and look forward to seeing what interests her in the performance and/or working arena next!
Congratulations to John and Christine Mamon with Kingdom’s Word of God Speak CGC aka Odin earning his BCAT. Who Hoo!
We had several of our Kingdom progeny have their first experience with the FCAT and CAT events and did so well! Working to title our dogs on both ends is so exciting.