The Dynamic Duo

We are ecstatic to share that this dynamic brother & sister duo did their thing today!
Under Judge Patricia Trotter:
CH Major Ptd Kingdom’s Love One Another aka Koda was awarded Winners Dog for another 3 point Major from the 6-9 puppy class! This brings Koda to 6 points, both Majors!
Kingdom’s Eternal Life aka Zoe was awarded Winners B!tch & Best of Winners from the 6-9 puppy class for a 3 point major! This gives Zoe her first points towards her AKC Championship!
These babies are out of our CASH x DIVA litter and are currently 6.5 months old!
Bred by: Michelle Jones, Cindy Becker & myself.
We are very excited about their future show careers and their love for the show ring! Thank you Judge for recognizing our Kingdom progeny!