Big Wins in Jackson, Mississippi


On Friday January 13:

Our boy, Kingdom’s Way Beyond Me DCAT aka TobyMac, was awarded Winners Dog for a 4 point Major finishing his Championship, pending AKC approval. Toby is our 11th Kingdom champion and is out of our CH Kingdom’s You Revive Me TC aka Riva, sired by GCH Geran’s Afleet Alex. Toby is also the 5th qualifier for our Riva’s ROM, pending parent club approval.

Our girl, Kingdom’s I Give You My Heart aka Zara BCAT TC was Winners Bitch and Best Of Winners for the 4 point Major crossover! This gives Zara one of the two majors needed to finish her Championship!

Huge thank you to breed judge Mrs. Sulie Greendale-Paveza for the honors and lovely comments on our dogs!

On Saturday January 14:

Under Judge Dana Cline, our boy Kingdom’s Alive and Running aka Diesel was Winners Dog for a 3 point Major and Zara was Reserve Winners Bitch!

Under Judge Stuart Lynn, Vela made her second appearance in the show ring and earned another Baby Puppy Best of Breed and Baby Puppy Herding Group One!

On Sunday January 15:

Under Dr. Steven Keating our boy, Kingdom’s My Victory aka Midas was awarded Winners Dog for a 3 point Major and Diesel was awarded a 3 point Major Reserve!

Huge Congratulations to all the owner’s of these Kingdom dogs! We are thrilled for you all!

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